January 2016
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The Buzz

Wearable Tech Is Changing Wellness Programs

Friday, December 18, 2015

As far as employee wellness programs go, wearable technologies are quickly becoming game changers. Companies can now incorporate nuanced fitness trackers as part of broader policies and use the data collected over time to offer employees feedback and recognition. There are two major benefits of such programs: They help employees live healthier, more productive lives, and they help organizations save money on healthcare costs. An additional benefit is that such programs often boost morale and help foster loyalty among a workforce. However, such programs must be constructed carefully if they are to succeed. In 2015, BP gained national attention for its Million Steps Challenge. Willing employees were provided with free Fitbits and offered stratified rewards for the number of steps they took as well as other health-oriented activities, such as getting physicals or completing company-sponsored wellness programs. The key to the program’s success was its voluntary nature, the unobtrusive nature of the wearable technology, and the technology’s ability to individually challenge, support, and reward employees working toward healthier lives.

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