Aliah Wright
Aliah D. Wright covers HR technology and has been with SHRM since 2008. For nine years, she was entertainment editor for Gannett News Service, directing entertainment coverage for all of Gannett’s newspapers, including the nation’s largest daily, USA Today. Before that, she was a political correspondent for The Associated Press in Pennsylvania. She also worked at smaller papers in South Carolina and Pennsylvania and taught journalism at the Pennsylvania State University. Wright is also the author of the best-selling SHRM-published social media book, A Necessary Evil: Managing Employee Activity on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn … and the Hundreds of Other Social Media Sites (SHRM, 2013). In addition to training HR professionals worldwide on social media best practices, she also directs the editorial division’s social media strategy. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Temple University. Contact her at [email protected] and follow her on Twitter @1SHRMScribe.
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