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Jason Haag


Jason Haag's interest and background is in learning systems, web technology, and standards. He spent eight years supporting the U.S. Navy's eLearning program in both engineering and management roles before joining the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative. He is currently employed by The Tolliver Group, Inc. and provides Systems Engineering and Technical Analysis (SETA) support for the ADL, sponsored by the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness). His primary focus is mobile learning (mLearning), mobile device platforms & technology, and best practices for implementation. Jason’s professional affiliations include serving as chair of the DoD ADL (DADL) Working Group, member of the IEEE Education Society, IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee (LTSC), and member of the eLearning Guild. He is also a frequent speaker at industry events. Jason received his M. Ed. from the University of West Florida where he specialized in Education & Training Management and Instructional Technology.

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