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Mark Greenberg


Mark Greenberg has been with Caliper since 1993. In his current role as president and CEO, he spearheads Caliper’s overall strategic direction and helps position the company for future growth by working collaboratively with all areas of the organization. Mark has a long history with Caliper, and his expertise includes a deep understanding of the Caliper instrument and how to use it to help clients from the selection through the succession of talent. Mark also serves on Caliper’s Board of Directors. Prior to working with Caliper, Mark spent 10 years in the sales and management arena, including a five-year period managing a location for Berlitz language schools, as well as a five-year stint working for the federal government. Mark obtained a bachelor’s degree in political science at Pitzer College and an MBA in marketing at George Washington University. He also holds teaching certifications for elementary education, social studies, and business education.

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