Dissertation Award Submission Requirements

(Please see additional guidelines below this section.)

The application must include the following, without exception, be in Word format, and be sent by email:

1. Letter of application from candidate, a separate cover sheet that contains the candidate's contact details (work and home address, telephone numbers, and email), and a brief abstract of the submission that does not exceed 120 words.

2. Recommendation from committee chair (sent in separate email from email address of the academic institution) with the dissertation completion date.

3. Abstraction of the dissertation. The abstraction should not exceed eight single-spaced pages in length (including abstraction, figures, tables, and references; 1-inch margins all around; 10-point font, pages numbered, APA 6th Edition, and no author identification in the documentation properties, document body, header, or footer of manuscript).

Submissions that exceed the page limitations or do not adhere to the required format will not be considered. The submission requirements correspond to the full manuscript requirements of the Academy of Human Resource Development's (AHRD) Dissertation of the Year procedures that require applicants to follow the full manuscript conference proposal submission guidelines.

4. The abstraction should include:
A. Introduction
1) Summary of the problem
2) Purpose of the study and rationale (why is it important?)
3) Critique of relevant literature

B. Research Design and/or Methodology
1) Sample selection
2) Instrumentation and/or interview protocol
3) Data collection and analysis procedures

C. Results and Findings
1) For quantitative studies, provide sufficient statistics, including, power,
significance, effect size, and strength of relationship.
2) For qualitative studies, provide a concise analysis resulting from
sufficient methodological rigor.

D. Discussion
1) Strengths of the research
2) Limitations of the research.

Strengths and limitations may address the following topics:
- Why was the overall design chosen as "good" (i.e., methodologically
rigorous and appropriate) design?
- What measurement and analysis problems did you encounter, and how
did you resolve them?
- Threats to validity.

E. Implications for Practice and Research
Particular attention will be given to those studies that thoroughly discuss the significance of the findings to the practice of talent development.

5. To ensure a blind review, do not include your name or affiliation on any portion of the actual abstract.

6. Send the email package to:
Erin Strider, ATD Awards and Communications
[email protected]. Her phone number is 703.838.5855