Saeid Sharifinia

I work in the field of development and learning technologies and in order to improve the quality of learning, I produce standard content using graphic solutions and tools. My activities in this field include;
• Designing offline learning courses based on graphic standards and compiling courses in editing
software (Premiere and Camtasia)
• Visual content design in graphic software (Photoshop, Illustrator)
• Microlearning design and mobile learning
• Holding interactive online courses
• Holding online events on Instagram, Microsoft teames, Zoom and online courses platform
• Produce podcasts on soft skills learning
To improve the audio and video quality, professional studio equipment is used for streaming video with
digital camera and audio transmission.

The basis of the above activities is to meet the performance needs that have been identified in the
interaction with the people of the organization and according to the principles of educational psychology and the principles of performance improvement, content production and editing processes.