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Boost Compliance Training Experience by applying the "7 Jewels of a Lesson Plan"

Published: Saturday, January 20, 2024

Compliance training is essential but often seen as dull, unhelpful, and a waste of time, causing learner disinterest and frustration. This negative perception typically stems from outdated or irrelevant content, lack of engagement, rigid teaching methods, excessive technical jargon, and a disconnect from practical applications. We've implemented the "7 Jewels" approach to counter these challenges in our lesson planning.

The "7 Jewels of a Lesson Plan" offers a solid framework for crafting effective and comprehensive learning experiences. This compliance training method ensures the training is informative, impactful, practical, and engaging. I will detail these elements in the following sections, using pharmaceutical industry examples to illustrate their significance in enhancing the learning journey.

Main Content of the Lesson:

The main content is the backbone of compliance training, providing essential knowledge that professionals need to adhere to regulatory standards and avoid violations that could lead to serious repercussions for patients and the company.

In the context of compliance training for the pharmaceutical industry, the main content could revolve around "Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for Drug Safety." This element would cover the principles and procedures that must be followed to ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.

Question to Assess Learning:

This type of question assesses learners' ability to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios, which is critical for understanding the practical implications of compliance.

An assessment question might be, "Can you outline a scenario where GMP was breached and describe the potential impact on product safety and company liability?"

Value of the Content in Context:

Emphasizing the value of the content in context helps learners to understand the critical role they play in the larger healthcare ecosystem and the consequences of non-compliance.


The value of understanding GMP in the pharmaceutical industry lies in the ability to maintain product integrity, ensure patient safety, and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

Day-to-Day Relevance:

Connecting the content to daily activities emphasizes the ongoing nature of compliance and its relevance in each employee's role.

The day-to-day relevance could be illustrated by discussing how compliance affects every stage of pharmaceutical development, from research and development to manufacturing and distribution.

Inquisitive Question:

Such a question encourages professionals to think ahead and consider how they must adapt to future changes in compliance standards, promoting a culture of continuous learning and adaptability.

An inquisitive question to encourage deeper thinking could be, "How might emerging technologies influence the evolution of GMP standards in the next five years?"

 Interesting Aside:

Real-life examples provide context and underscore the gravity of compliance, helping learners understand the real-world impacts of their actions.

An interesting aside might include a historical compliance failure case study and its consequences for a pharmaceutical company, such as a product recall.

Suggested Activity to Enforce Learning:

Interactive activities like group activities or workshops enable learners to practice applying their knowledge in a controlled, safe environment, which can enhance their preparedness for actual compliance challenges.

A suggested activity for reinforcing learning could be a workshop where participants engage in role-playing to handle a mock GMP audit or a breach scenario.

Integrating these seven elements into pharmaceutical compliance training allows educators to design a vibrant and comprehensive learning journey. This method provides talent development experts with tools to address various learning styles, thus improving the entire training experience. Moreover, this lesson-planning approach is versatile and applicable across different contexts.

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