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Fried Training Talk- Adaptation

Published: Friday, July 17, 2020

Adaptation is a skill all trainers need to have and all training developers need to account for.”

What does that mean?

Last week I led some in person trainings on COVID related protections & requirements. Every session was different based on the personalities & questions in the groups. Sometimes this meant spending more time on a particular section & skimming over sections they already understood. Designers are already aware we have to know our audience, but the ability to adapt is more than that. Often it is the difference between “off the rack” and “Fine tailored”. Off the rack can be functional, but doesn’t feel as good & may be less effective.

Many of us are joyfully adapting to the call for designing more (& better) ELearning, & Distance Learning without considering how to make the learning adaptable.


Many trainings are aimed at the broadest audience possible. Which risks a loss effectiveness. Even Workflow Training so great at many things, allows us “pull” an answer to why something isn’t working (think about Microsoft help pages) & find the answer irrelevant.

So please tell me:

What is your favorite way you’ve seen (or created) an ELearning, Video, or even a web presentation adapt to its audience?

Bonus non-training related question: What is missing from the recreation of an early 70s console TV above?

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