Community Content

The Beautiful thing about Feedback Loops

Published: Monday, October 7, 2019

I leverage my leadership skills by seizing  every opportunity to engage in feedback loops. I have noticed over the years in various training and workforce development teams that fantastic ideas led to well thought out projects that for a while thrived and provided positive outcomes. What I noticed missing many times were opportunities for continuous fine tuning and the pro-active response to small or large changes within the organization or within the industry. Something that I have found to be extremely helpful are to incorporate strategically sequenced opportunities to meet and discuss responses to the changes at hand. These continuous feedback loops are similar to how some plants in nature will chemically adjust their leaves once they have been partially eaten by a caterpillar to make them harder to chew! We can take many examples from nature to improve our focus and better our results!

Stephanie A Earl, MAEd/AET, M.S.Psy, CPLP

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