
DEMO: How Real-Time Feedback Will Catapult Your Employees’ Learning and Development

Consider how athletes learn and grow, and it is clear that the sports world has a better grasp on learning and development than the business world. An athlete gets constant feedback—from teammates, coaches, during the game, and from game film. By the time major corrective action is needed, the athlete has received constant feedback and there are no surprises. Lumen will help your organization provide “real-time” game film to your employees in a way that engages them and speeds up the cycle. In this “democast,” you will: • Learn how to more effectively and efficiently accelerate the performance of your top talent using real-time, ongoing feedback that is significantly more relevant than the annual performance review. • Discover how to leverage results out of the gate, supported by qualitative and quantitative data. • Gain a solution to offset budget and resource constraints around performance management, succession planning, retention, and productivity.

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