
Key Steps to Building a Sales Certification Program From the Ground Up

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

A sales certification program is used to ensure that your team has the knowledge and skills to succeed. In today’s selling environment, sales reps have to be ready for complicated products, constant change, geographically dispersed teams, and very fast growth. It is more important than ever to certify sales reps, and it can be difficult without the right framework, tools, and internal communication. In this webcast, you will learn what is needed to design and implement a sales certification program and how to measure true effectiveness. Attendees of this webcast will learn: - what it means to certify a sales rep and why it’s important - how to use sales certifications - how to develop a sales certification program - how to build internal champions to communicate and encourage adoption of a sales certification program - how to use video coaching and traditional training materials to help sales reps increase knowledge and develop skills - how to measure results from a sales certification program to determine the business impact - how to identify resources and solutions that can facilitate the sales certification program.

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