
Managing Your Career at a Crossroads

Thursday, May 17, 2018

In the course of your career, you can probably remember a number of times when you’ve found yourself at a crossroads. You’ve been passed over for a promotion again. You’ve been laid off. You’re in a dead-end job. There’s nowhere to move in the company. Your day-to-day work is well below what you feel you’re capable of, so you’re not being challenged. As a result, you’re unhappy with where you are and dread going to work every day. You feel stuck and don’t know what to do. How will you work through this problem? What if you could change your situation? But, how do you avoid making decisions that could take you down the wrong path? How can you use these crossroads to bring positive outcomes for yourself? The key is getting emotion out of the way and taking intentional, proven steps to get you on the best path for your career. Join Vivian Blade, contributor to ATD’s latest book, Work the Problem: How Experts Tackle Workplace Challenges, for an engaging and insightful webcast as she shares practical strategies you can put to work immediately for successfully navigating through your personal career crossroads. In this webcast, you will: Discover why these crossroads in your career are so emotional and how the stress weighs on your well-being. Apply a thoughtful, intentional approach to guide you in working through the problem to make decisions that are right for you. Gain strategies to successfully move forward through these crossroads and reduce the stress in your life. In this webcast, you will: Discover why these crossroads in your career are so emotional and how the stress weighs on your well-being. Apply a thoughtful, intentional approach to guide you in working through the problem to make decisions that are right for you. Gain strategies to successfully move forward through these crossroads and reduce the stress in your life.

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