
Mastering a Global Mindset

Friday, April 28, 2017

Being successful in a global business environment demands that professionals broaden their mindset, even for those who don’t travel. Multinational workplaces require an amplified skill set to navigate across cultures with agility and to leverage the diversity of your teams, organizations, clients, and partners. Failing to unlock the competitive advantage of a multicultural workforce is synonymous with missed opportunities and mediocre performance.This webcast focuses on five key steps to mastering a global mindset, including core intercultural business competencies like perspective taking, style flexing, behavioral adaptations, and leveraging curiosity to build trust across borders. It’s meant for professionals at any level who need to increase their own productivity and effectiveness on global projects or any interactions they have across cultures. You’ll: - Deepen awareness of cultural values and how they influence the workplace. - Commit to developing a global mindset and a repertoire of culturally appropriate and productive business strategies. - Create a personal action plan for the next 30 days.

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