Businessman making strong gesture on black background
ATD Blog

What (Nonverbal) Messages Are You Sending?

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

In a job interview, the first impression can make all the difference. One study found that we develop assumptions about a person within the first 100 milliseconds of looking at a face. Another study found that nonverbal communication accounts for 93 percent of the information we receive. So, when it comes to the hiring process, it is imperative that you are aware of the physical cues you may or may not be giving.

An infographic from GetVoIP outlines 15 science-backed nonverbal communication tips. Some to remember are:

  • Striking a power pose. Data shows that standing up straight with your hands at your hips and eyes up can raise testosterone levels, which can lead to boosted confidence.
  • Talk with your hands. The more you gesticulate with your hands, the more you come off as agreeable and energetic.
  • Shake hands. One study found that starting with a handshake helps set a positive tone for the rest of the interview.

Check out the infographic for the full list of nonverbal signals before your next job interview.


This infographic was originally published on the GetVOIP website on January 15, 2018.

About the Author

Reuben Yonatan is the founder and CEO of GetVoIP. As an entrepreneur and tech enthusiast, Reuben brings a wealth of hands-on telecom industry experience backed by a 10-year track record in strategically shaping operational functionality in all his ventures.

With an extensive background in cloud communication technologies and building industry-leading internet companies, Reuben steers GetVoIP toward his vision to become the number-one resource for cloud computing trends and insights by overseeing all day-to-day operations, including editorials, content brainstorming, lead generating, and managing marketing campaigns with advertisers.

Featured in dozens of interviews, and publications such as Forbes and BusinessInsider, Reuben’s writings blend commentary, research, and perspective on cloud computing, digital media, software trends, business strategies, and enterprise solutions.

In his spare time, Reuben is an avid basketball and racquetball player, hiker, and self-professed web surfer, striving to make the web a better place. Reuben is also a contributor to Huffington Post, Entrepreneur, BizCommunity, and other popular publications. Follow Reuben on Twitter @ReubenYonatan.

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