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Allan Steinmetz


Allan has built an internal/external branding, change management communications, team alignment and market research consulting firm like no other with offices in Boston, Bentonville, Minneapolis, Chicago, San Francisco and Orlando. He has over 30 years' experience in marketing strategy, branding, change management, advertising and communications. During that time he has worked for Ford Motor Company, the US Postal Service, Ericsson, Pitney Bowes, Campbell’s Soup, Zurich Financial Insurance and Walmart in addition to several high-tech companies, start-ups and professional services firms. Before establishing the firm, he was the Senior Vice President and Corporate Director of Marketing for Arthur D. Little (ADL), a premium management consulting firm, where his responsibilities included overseeing the firm's brand identity, business development, lead generation, advertising and communications. Prior to working at ADL, he was the Worldwide Director of Marketing and Communications for Andersen Consulting (now Accenture). And, prior to that, he was with Young and Rubicam for 10 years, serving as Senior Vice President and Director of Marketing in a variety of management and new business roles. Allan was a member of the US Postal Service Marketing Advisory Board and formerly a board member of Bertucci Brick Oven Pizza. He is a frequent speaker on topics such as the advertising industry’s need for internal branding and change communications. He has been a featured speaker at the International Association of Business Communicator’s Annual Conference, the ANA School of Management, the American Marketing Association, the Conference Board’s Extending Your Employee Brand Conference and Advanced Learning International’s Internal Brand Conferences.

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