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Amy Graft


Lead, Learning Campus North America, Siemens

Amy Graft has served in various learning and talent development roles for more than 20 years. She has experience in all aspects of L&D, including centralizing business learning and running training as a self-funded model. She is responsible for operations at Learning Campus in North America, which provides nontechnical training for all Siemens divisions in the US and Canada. Before working in her current position, Amy served as a talent manager partnering with HR and business leaders to execute key initiatives in talent management, including career development, mentoring, and succession planning. She has a master’s degree in industrial and organizational psychology and a PhD in human factors from the University of Central Florida (Go Knights!). Currently, Amy serves as the ATD Forum Advisory Group (AG) chair. She lives in Winter Garden, Florida, with her husband, son, and a schnoodle named Chewie.

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