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Anne Lomperis


Anne Lomperis specializes in language planning and language policy for the labor force in developing countries. She consults with four categories of clients to improve English capability for economic development and global competitiveness: international organizations, national government ministries, businesses of all sizes, and aid agencies. Anne spearheaded a nine-year initiative to develop best practices in workforce English with four co-authors and representative review teams from 45 countries. They published their findings in 2003, with a technology update in 2014. She founded the Language Training Forum of ASTD in 1995 (when there was a forum structure in place). She also works to establish workforce English teacher training programs through partnerships between local national universities and U.S. universities. Dual certification is a future goal. Anne was born and raised in South India through high school graduation. As an adult professional, she has worked in 19 countries with a wide range of industry sectors and clients. She redesigned the language training program of Peace Corps/Philippines (with 101 languages), conducted a national assessment of English in industry for Egypt, has recently completed a four-year project for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and is now in negotiations for projects in Colombia and Myanmar. Learn more about Anne at www.linkedin.com/in/annelomperis.

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