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Cheryl Abram

Learning Strategist


Cheryl Abram is the lead evaluator and faculty member at the Federal Executive Institute. With more than 12 years as an organization development specialist and a learning, development, and evaluation thought leader, Abram is creating and implementing an innovative, world-shattering new approach to training program evaluation and learning program design. With truth-telling, systems theory, and learner self-determination as the foundation, her learning and evaluation approach acknowledges the reality of complexity, change, and personal accountability while promoting principles of autonomy, authenticity, and freedom in learning.

Combining her knowledge and experience as an MSW, Quality Systems Management professional, precision mentor, project manager, lifelong learner, and “professional questioner,” Abram has created and shared ideas around the world. She has been interviewed by bloggers and social media personalities in Hungary, Australia, Canada, England, and the United States. She has appeared on the cover of Cosozo Living Magazine, a wellness information and advocacy publication, and she was a keynote at the 2016 Science and Nonduality Conference in San Jose, California.

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