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Fraser Bowie


Fraser Bowie has been at the forefront of technology throughout his career pushing the boundaries of solving business challenges in creative ways. His passion for the next big thing has kept him moving businesses forward year after year. Fraser began by transforming an advertising department from a traditional work environment to a fully digital department.

As an early adopter of e-commerce Fraser helped launch one of the first consumer electronics retailers on the web. He produced the first multi-day live-streamed music festival for the retailer resulting in new customers, increased exposure and higher music sales. His technology implementations continued with award-winning websites, content management systems, and learning innovations.

As a leader of the Global Learning and Development team at Verizon, Fraser introduced Virtual and Augmented Reality training and performance support to their operations. His leadership of these programs resulted in deployment to over 20,000 employees across 1,600 locations worldwide. These innovative solutions resulted in increased engagement, reduced training times and better-equipped employees.

Fraser continues to advance the XR space helping businesses, manufacturers and educational institutions understand the new technology and how it can be used to their advantage. Using his unique perspective as an implementor of these technologies in the enterprise at scale, he is able to provide the insight needed to succeed and avoid costly mistakes. Fraser has immersed himself in the wearables space understanding the challenges of manufacturers and implementors alike.

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