Gordon Shand
Gordon Shand founded HDC Human Development Consultants Ltd. to develop training programs that contribute to business success. Many of the larger projects have been to develop competency-based technical training programs for industry. One of the key challenges for HDC is for training developers and technical writers to provide leadership when working with customers to identify relevant training content that contributes to improved corporate, job, and employee performance. To meet this challenge, Gordon and staff developed a comprehensive internal training program: Optimization and Loss Control—Asking the Right Questions. The training approach was to focus on thinking strategies and asking the right questions when working with customers to identify relevant training content that contributes to improved corporate, job, and employee performance. Training was also developed to apply the thinking strategies while interviewing Subject Matter Experts. Gordon is now repurposing the thinking strategies and interviewing process to be useful for many organizations and training development firms. He is in the process of developing several related books: The Exemplary Worker series and Interviewing to Gather Relevant Content for Training. The content for these books stem from the internal staff training program he developed for consultants. The internal program ensures consultants can provide leadership to develop training programs that have excellent value and contribute to the customer’s business success.
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