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Jeanette Harrison


Jeanette Harrison is a corporate knowledge management and learning executive known internationally for aligning performance support solutions to enable corporate growth, meet revenue expectations, and transform organizations through her work in providing enhanced employee value drivers. Jeanette has a well established track record of designing and implementing world class solutions in challenging global environments resulting in performance and productivity improvements. She is a pioneer in promoting women in technology through the organizational programs that she has created. Jeanette is a recognized thought leader and change agent in building collaborative solutions that embrace people, process, and technology. Currently, Jeanette is the Vice President of Enterprise Learning & Development for Pitney Bowes Inc. She is chartered with creating and leading the new global organization responsible for all knowledge and skill development initiatives. While serving as the Vice President of the American Express Learning Network, she was chartered with training all employees serving American Express’ customers through performance support strategies and solutions. As Director of Knowledge and Learning at Intel, she was responsible for providing performance support strategies and solutions to manufacturing employees worldwide. She previously served as Vice President of Strategic Planning and Business Development for National Computer Systems. An active supporter of ASTD, Jeanette is serving as the Chair of the ASTD Talent Management Task Force. Jeanette holds a doctorate in Public Administration from the University of Southern California, a Master of Higher Education Administration and Bachelor of Arts from American University in Washington, D.C., and is an Executive Coach from the Hudson Institute.

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