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Kelly Simmons


Kelly Simmons is a global director of consultative solutions at the Center for Creative Leadership. Contact her at [email protected].

CCL focuses on transformative human centered leadership solutions, that are transformative for individuals, teams, and organizations. As a non-profit, CCL focuses on social impact. Kelly leads a team responsible globally for integrating the entire range of products and solutions to support the global business, from the latest content and technologies to innovation and scalable solutions that help answer our clients most pressing needs. Reduce cost of design, increase innovation and flexibility across the global portfolio.

As a product designer, she has led the development of numerous solutions, more notably CCL’s Hybrid Team Solution and Advancing Technical Women’s Leadership Journey. As an experienced advocate in systemic change, Kelly has spoken and written on the topic of team and organizational systems. Her publications include the book, Beating the Odds – Stories of Women in STEM as well as a chapter on Team Systems in the publication: Do You Work or Collaborate?

Kelly began her career as an Engineer at Hewlett Packard Company, working extensively in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. In the organizational development space, she led the set up and operation of the consulting and training departments of two start-up boutique consulting firms in Spain. Kelly was a member of the faculty at EADA business school in Barcelona, Spain for 10 years, and has designed and delivered leadership and organizational development programs across Europe and the Americas as well as conducted extensive work as a leadership and team coach. Kelly loves meeting people from around the world, tapping into collective wisdom to advance change while enjoying the adventure along the way.

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