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Kevin Tamanini

Director, Consulting


Kevin Tamanini is the director and head of consulting services for DDI’s US Operations. In this role, he leads the strategy and enablement of all Consulting and Adjunct resources to design and deliver high value solutions to clients. These Consulting resources drive growth for DDI by designing solutions, managing and enhancing the client experience, and driving insight and value for both new clients to DDI, as members of integrated account teams. This leadership responsibility includes long term workforce/talent management planning, defining performance expectations and capacity planning, metrics and incentives, and building a high-performance culture across consulting services.

Kevin is an industrial/organizational psychologist, and has nearly 15 years of experience working directly with clients on engagements focused on leadership growth and insight. Since joining DDI in 2007, Dr. Tamanini has worked in DDI’s product development solutions group, where he worked on the development of several assessment tools and processes before transitioning to Consulting Services in 2008, he has developed and implemented systems for organizations in a variety of industries, including airlines, insurance, manufacturing, health care, sales, life sciences, and customer service. A leader within DDI for 10 years, Kevin’s expertise with clients has focused in several areas: front line and mid-level leadership development programs; large scale selection system design across the leadership pipeline; organization wide competency and assessment strategy; and succession strategy.

Kevin has also presented at industry conferences in areas such as leadership development, coaching and feedback, mentoring, selection system and assessment design, the impact of social media during hiring, and several others. Kevin has also recently co-authored a chapter in the Handbook of Employee Selection, where he shares thought leadership on the selection and development of frontline and mid-level leaders.

Kevin has extensive experience in the design, development, and implementation of solutions around the globe and has consulted with worked with clients directly in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, Saudi Arabia, China, and Japan. He has managed many large-scale assessment and development projects for clients.

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