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Matthew Sigafoose


Matthew Sigafoose, is a Personnel Research Psychologist with the U.S. Office of Personnel's Management's (OPM) H.R. Solutions Division. As an employee of the Organizational Assessment Section, Mr. Sigafoose has spent the past seven years consulting for numerous federal agencies by utilizing a variety of standardized and customized human capital products and services, all of which are developed in-house. He specializes in Leadership 360 assessment and has managed some of the largest 360 administrations in the federal sector. Additionally, Mr. Sigafoose continues to consult with other agencies using multiple culture/climate, customer satisfaction, and entrance/exit surveys. He has also contributed and/or led efforts to develop the OPM Exit Survey and the New Leaders Onboarding Assessment. Mr. Sigafoose obtained a M.S. in Applied Psychology, with an emphasis on Industrial/Organizational Psychology, in 2003 from the University of Baltimore.

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