Robin Ryan
Robin Ryan is a career counselor and popular trainer on various employee career development topics. She frequently speaks to for-profit companies, associations, nonprofits, and governmental organizations, and has appeared on more than 1,500 TV and radio shows, including Oprah, Dr. Phil, and ABC News. Her advice has been printed in most major magazines and newspapers, such as Businessweek, Good Housekeeping, USA Today, theNew York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. Based in Seattle, Robin is also the bestselling author of 60 Seconds & You're Hired!, Soaring on Your Strengths, What to Do With the Rest of Your Life, Winning Resumes, Winning Cover Letters, and her latest book, Over 40 & You’re Hired! A newly revised edition of 60 Seconds & You're Hired! was released in January 2016. Learn more at
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