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Dr. Ryan Baker

Professor, Learning, Teaching, and Literacies Division, Penn GSE


Dr. Ryan Baker researches how students use and learn from educational games, intelligent tutors, and other kinds of educational software. Drawing on the fields of learning analytics and learning engineering, he develops methods for mining the data that come out of the interactions between students and educational software. He then uses this information to improve our understanding of how students respond to educational software, and how these responses influence their learning.

Prior to joining Penn GSE, Dr. Baker was an associate professor in the Department of Human Development at Teachers College, Columbia University. He has been teaching the “Big Data and Education” MOOC for over a decade, with total enrollment of more than 100,000 students. He has served as founding president of the International Educational

Data Mining Society, where he currently serves on the board of directors. He has been co-author on over a dozen award-winning papers and received the Educational Research Award from the Council of Scientific Society Presidents.

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