Sharon Steiner Hart
Sharon Steiner Hart is an executive coach with Talking Talent, a global coaching firm inspiring inclusive cultures that allow people and organizations to thrive. Sharon is passionate about helping future-focused leaders identify their short- and long-term goals and aligning their goals with actions. As a coach, she catalyzes growth from the inside out, utilizing an intuitive, authentic coaching style and proven techniques. The best part about being a coach for Sharon is being able to walk alongside her clients as they discover new possibilities and get inspired.
Sharon has over 20 years of experience in business development, entrepreneurship, and education and has been a Certified Professional Coach since 2009. Sharon holds two Emotional Intelligence Certifications, Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey Certification. Using this wide lens, she helps individuals and organizations grow their bottom line. With Sharon’s help, teams increase productivity and revenue while also improving culture and individual empowerment.
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