William Gentry
As a researcher and practitioner, Dr. William A. Gentry examines what leaders can do to be successful and avoid derailment. As a keynote speaker for conferences and events, he informs and inspires leaders, particularly entry- and first-level supervisors and managers who are leading for the first time to be their best. During his career he has amassed more than 70 academic presentations and has published more than 40 academic articles. In addition, his research has been featured in more than 50 internet and newspaper outlets including Forbes.com, the Wall Street Journal, CNN.com, Harvard Business Review, Chief Learning Officer, ChiefExecutive.Net, and TrainingIndustry.Com. Most recently, William has used his passion for research and developing first-time managers to write the highly-acclaimed book Be the Boss Everyone Wants to Work For: A Guide for New Leaders (Berrett-Koehler publishers, 2016). Currently, William is the Executive Director of Brave Leaders Inc., a Brené Brown company that provides courage-building programs for leaders at every level of an organization by bringing Brené’s latest research on leadership development and culture change to teams, leaders, entrepreneurs, change makers, and culture shifters.
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