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Yanni Amouris


Yanni Amouris is a seasoned L&D professional with extensive experience in the financial services industry, spanning three continents (North America, Asia and the UK). Passionate about empowering others to be the best version of themselves, his career includes notable tenures at both Barclays and JPMorgan Chase. In the last 15 years, he has held roles ranging from consulting with businesses on L&D and engagement strategies to instructional design, succession planning, and leading leadership development and DEI programs. In his most recent position as a Talent Development Director with JPMC, he oversaw the talent development strategy for the bank's technology workforce. In addition to his MS in HR Management and Development from NYU, Yanni is an accredited coach with the International Coaching Federation. Known for his ability to ask incisive, outcome-driven questions, Yanni empowers clients to unlock their unique potential through their own creativity, experience, and expertise.

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