Daniel Escobar

In a world where we are often divided despite shared interests, I love bringing people together so that they can move forward in a purposeful and productive direction. Bringing groups together to build engagement and ownership is a central driving force in my life, and l strive to understand how and when to connect individuals that may not have known that they could get along. In a larger capacity, I also feel that empowering groups to solve their own problems through cooperation and education is essential to organizational success. At the end of the day, I teach leaders to foster communities in their business functions and, through this initiative, support them to face even the most pressing challenges that may come at them.

Key Strengths:

Classroom Curriculum Development, Training and Development, Employee Training, Staff Development, Program Management, Project Management, Coaching, Mentoring, Team Building, Organizational Development, Online Content Development, Classroom Teaching, Online Teaching, Presentations, Public Speaking, Gamification.

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