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Fried Training Talk- Gamification Vs. Humor

Published: Friday, September 11, 2020
Updated: Friday, September 11, 2020

Which is more important for your learning games or humor?

Over the past 3 months no Fried Training Talk discussions have garnered more interest than the one on the impact of games and the one on use of humor (specifically in this Pandemic era).

I’ve seen lots of research that say both elements can make learning more effective and more impactful, but I have never seen the two compared.

Of course this may not be a fair comparison as one could easily design a humorous learning game.

For me both elements can be important, and I have certainly seen plenty of Learning Experiences designed that utilized neither.



If you had to choose between an ELearning that promised a game or promised to be funny which would you choose?


Bonus Question—Would combining the two approaches (think a Battle Sheep vs. Zombie Plants Management Styles training) turn you off?


Ps. I want to give a huge ***THANK YOU*** to everyone who participated in either of those previous discussions. It is great to learn from all of you.

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