Given the quick rate of change, leaders and individual contributors need leadership and business skills training to help their organizations operate in new ways. Ongoing learning for employees is essential for organizations to survive. So, how can organizations boost learners’ engagement? Join us as Benny Ramos discusses why it is important to know learners’ expectations, what research says about learners and their environment, and what modern learners find compelling in content. To stay competitive, organizations must provide their employees with opportunities for ongoing growth and development. At the end of this session, you will understand: -The implication of digitalization and what it means to the organization -T-shaped learning and how to create the workforce of the future -Business perspectives and technical perspectives within leadership -The modern learning formula for leadership and business skills, and the importance of leadership

Addressing the Needs of All Learners

Given the quick rate of change, leaders and individual contributors need leadership and business skills training to help their organizations operate in new ways. Ongoing learning for employees is essential for organizations to survive. So, how can organizations boost learners’ engagement? Join us as Benny Ramos discusses why it is important to know learners’ expectations, what research says about learners and their environment, and what modern learners find compelling in content. To stay competitive, organizations must provide their employees with opportunities for ongoing growth and development. At the end of this session, you will understand: -The implication of digitalization and what it means to the organization -T-shaped learning and how to create the workforce of the future -Business perspectives and technical perspectives within leadership -The modern learning formula for leadership and business skills, and the importance of leadership

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