If you are considering an ATD professional credential but can't decide if the Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD®) or the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD®) is right for you, join ATD Certification Institute staff with a panel of APTD and CPTD credential holders to learn how they decided which program was right for them. During this webinar, you will learn: - Basic information about each credential - Types of candidates who choose each credential - Factors certificants considered when deciding which one was right for them - How certificants made their decisions - Pros and cons of each credential

APTD or CPTD? Which Certification Is Right For Me?

If you are considering an ATD professional credential but can't decide if the Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD®) or the Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD®) is right for you, join ATD Certification Institute staff with a panel of APTD and CPTD credential holders to learn how they decided which program was right for them. During this webinar, you will learn: - Basic information about each credential - Types of candidates who choose each credential - Factors certificants considered when deciding which one was right for them - How certificants made their decisions - Pros and cons of each credential

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