Let’s face it: For many healthcare professionals, the only thing worse than being asked to give a presentation is being invited to sit through one. But it doesn’t have to be that way! In this webcast, Christine Clapp will teach you the foolproof Sandwich Structure, which you’ll use to deliver game-changing presentations—even if you don’t have ample time to prepare or are striving to get through to a tough audience. Before you know it, they’ll be on your side, in your hands, and ready to applaud. Get ready to become a presentation legend in your workplace and across the healthcare industry! By the end of this webcast, you will: - Recognize the value of outlined, rather than scripted, presentations. - Understand Spoken with Authority’s proven Sandwich Structure methodology for outlining presentations. - Identify ways the Sandwich Structure differs from a standard outline and how those differences result in better presentations. - See what a presentation using the Sandwich Structure looks like when delivered. - Apply the Sandwich Structure to a practice presentation.

Craft Effective Presentations

Friday, November 9, 2018

Let’s face it: For many healthcare professionals, the only thing worse than being asked to give a presentation is being invited to sit through one. But it doesn’t have to be that way! In this webcast, Christine Clapp will teach you the foolproof Sandwich Structure, which you’ll use to deliver game-changing presentations—even if you don’t have ample time to prepare or are striving to get through to a tough audience. Before you know it, they’ll be on your side, in your hands, and ready to applaud. Get ready to become a presentation legend in your workplace and across the healthcare industry! By the end of this webcast, you will: - Recognize the value of outlined, rather than scripted, presentations. - Understand Spoken with Authority’s proven Sandwich Structure methodology for outlining presentations. - Identify ways the Sandwich Structure differs from a standard outline and how those differences result in better presentations. - See what a presentation using the Sandwich Structure looks like when delivered. - Apply the Sandwich Structure to a practice presentation.

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