Digital transformation has revolutionized the role of L&D organizations, transforming them from facilitators of learning to strategic partners in business growth. This shift involves integrating new technologies and adopting innovative mindsets and methodologies to align learning with business objectives, promote a culture of continuous learning, and provide engaging, relevant, and personalized learning experiences. The trend is moving toward using digital adoption platforms to discover gaps in digital skills, deliver in-application support, and measure the business impact in real time. Join representatives from Ameris Bank and Whatfix to learn how L&D is adapting to these changes and driving success in the digital era.

The Ameris Bank Story_How to Discover, Deliver, and Realize Value for Digital Tr

Digital transformation has revolutionized the role of L&D organizations, transforming them from facilitators of learning to strategic partners in business growth. This shift involves integrating new technologies and adopting innovative mindsets and methodologies to align learning with business objectives, promote a culture of continuous learning, and provide engaging, relevant, and personalized learning experiences. The trend is moving toward using digital adoption platforms to discover gaps in digital skills, deliver in-application support, and measure the business impact in real time. Join representatives from Ameris Bank and Whatfix to learn how L&D is adapting to these changes and driving success in the digital era.

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