Completion Requirements: ATD Education Certificate and Master Courses
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Completion Requirements:

ATD Education Certificate and Master Programs

Certificate Programs:

Participation in all originally scheduled days of the program, including both face-to-face and live online formats, and completion of all coursework is mandatory to receive the certificate of completion and continuing education credits.

Face-to-Face Programs:
Participants who miss more than two hours of the entire program will not be eligible to receive the certificate.

Live Online Programs:
ATD requires active participation throughout the program to receive credit. Active participation in live online sessions includes, but is not limited to, participating in virtual classroom activities, discussions, breakout sessions, and intersession work.

Make-up policy: You can miss and make up one session* by listening to a session recording. Instructions for reporting make-up sessions are posted on ATD’s learning platform.

*For full-day sessions, you can only miss up to 3.5 hours and make up the time by listening to the recording.

ATD Master® Programs

ATD Master® Programs are blended learning experiences that take place over multiple weeks. Participation in all originally scheduled days of the program, including both face-to-face and online program components (if applicable), and all coursework is mandatory to earn the ATD Master designation and continuing education credits.

Face-to-Face Program Components (if applicable):
No more than two hours of the entire face-to-face program can be missed.

Live Online Program Components (if applicable):
ATD requires active participation throughout the program to receive credit. Active participation in live online sessions includes, but is not limited to, participating in virtual classroom activities, discussions, breakout sessions, and intersession work.

Make-up policy: You can miss and make up one session* by listening to a session recording. Instructions for reporting make-up sessions are posted on ATD’s learning platform.

*For full-day sessions, you can only miss up to 3.5 hours and make up the time by listening to the recording.

Asynchronous Program Components: New content will be made available on ATD’s learning platform each week. All activities, assessments, and project work must be completed the week they are assigned.

Please note: You must use a laptop to fully and actively participate in these programs. In addition to your full participation, you must complete your post-course evaluation to receive your certificate.

To view our transfer and cancellation policies, please click here.