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August 2023 Chapter of the Month

Houston Chapter

Wanting to better tailor programming to their membership’s skills, the Houston Chapter implemented a data-driven process to determine how to best provide valuable resources and learning opportunities that would support their members’ growth and address current challenges in the industry. The chapter board encouraged members to complete the ATD Talent Capability Model Self-Assessment and share their results which allowed them to design a programming calendar that catered to the specific needs of their membership. They also utilized the ATD State of the Industry report and support from internal consultants to further tailor their content. As a result, the board was able to strengthen and hone its programming, regain sponsorships that were lost during the pandemic, and return to pre-pandemic attendance rates for in-person programs.

CHAP-2023: August 2023 COM - Houston Board Photo
Back row (left to right): Sandhya Lakhanpal (VP Membership), Donna Hailey (Past-President), Sharon Nasr (Director Analytics), Harriett Pritchett (President-Elect), Kent Nuttal (VP Professional Development), Suzanne Frawley (Director Leadership Council), Catherine Connolly (VP Programs), Crystal Andrus (Director Website); Middle row: Melody Davis (Director Certification Study Groups); Front row: Elizabeth Agustin (Director Virtual Programs), Patty Poole (Director Virtual Technology), Lisa Torreano (President), Reba Taville (Director Programs)