Phase 2 of the Chapter Membership on the ATD Store Program allows ATD’s system to automatically import new and renewing membership information directly to the chapter’s Wild Apricot database.
Learn more about the second phase of the Chapter Members on the ATD Store program.
Phase 2 of the Chapter Membership on the ATD Store Program removes the need for manual work on the chapter’s side and allows ATD’s system to automatically import new and renewing membership information directly to the chapter’s Wild Apricot database.
The only change in Phase 2 is to how chapter member information is imported into Wild Apricot (automatically instead of manually). The introduction of this phase will not affect the membership levels offered on the Store, the ability to align membership end dates, etc.
Chapters currently participating in the membership on the Store program will be enrolled on a chapter-by-chapter basis. To opt-in to Phase II, please complete the agreement form. The time frame for each chapter to be added to Phase II will depend on the number of chapters enrolling at one time and the speed at which the chapter makes the necessary updates to its site. Enrollment will occur on a first-come, first-served basis.
ATD will continue to send emails to the chapter membership contact at the point of sale when a member joins the chapter via the Store. These point-of-sale notifications and weekly recaps should be used as reference and backup for the chapter. However, no action will be needed on the chapter’s side to add these members to its database.
The information currently sent by ATD to chapter contacts via the daily import files will be the information updated in member records via Phase II. If the customer is a new chapter member, the information will be populated in the fields. If the member is a renewal with changes to his/her contact information, the chapter’s information will be overwritten. These fields include basic contact information such as name, address, phone number, and membership start and end dates. The only exception is the email address. Because chapter members have their own logins to the chapter’s site via email address, ATD will not update the chapter’s email address field in member records. Rather, a separate field entitled “ATD email” will collect the email address ATD has on file for the customer.
Yes, the chapter is required to add two additional fields to its site: “ATD EMAIL” and “FROM ATD" (capital letters required). In Phase II, in order to preserve chapter records and eliminate customer confusion, the email address on file with the chapter will not be overwritten. Rather, a new field (“ATD EMAIL”) will be created for ATD to import the email address ATD has on file for the customer.
The “FROM ATD” field will allow the chapter to track which records were created or updated by ATD through chapter membership on the Store sales. Please add these fields in the “Membership Fields” tab of your Wild Apricot site. Both fields should be set up as instructed in the example image.
With ATD now collecting Power Member payments, there is no longer a need for chapters to offer Power Membership publicly via its website and differentiate between Professional and Professional Plus Power Membership levels. Chapters offering two separate Power Memberships should combine these levels into one Power Member level (for your tracking purposes only), to which new and renewing members from the store will be automatically imported. If your chapter does not specifically break out Power Members from its general chapter member count, no additional changes should be required to your levels. If you have any questions on how to make this change, please contact Yahye Wehelie to walk through the process.
No, payments to chapters will continue to take place monthly. Chapters can expect to receive payments for sales made in one month in the following month. For example, sales made on the Store in November will be paid to chapters in December.
While ATD will automatically create or update member records in Wild Apricot, the logins for ATD and the chapter’s website still remain separate unless the member intentionally synchronizes his or her username and password.
Phase 2 of the program does not alter any of the program’s current business rules. Individual chapter membership is not available for purchase unless combined with an ATD membership. Chapter membership can still be purchased individually via the chapter’s website. Similarly, chapter membership is not required to be added in tandem with the purchase of an ATD membership.