ATD Blog
Thu May 19 2016
Have you ever attended a workshop during which you were constantly checking the time to see how much longer you had until the next break? Or did you have to resort to loading up on sugar and caffeine to stay awake? If so, more than likely the way the course was paced was the culprit.
Pacing is more than how quickly the instructor moves through the material. It also covers the flow of energy that learners experience throughout the training. As an instructional designer, it is your job to manage this energy flow to maximize learner engagement. Here are five rules to help you master course pacing.
The first activity—or icebreaker—should capture learners’ attention and get them up and moving. Use this activity to set the expectation that the course will be a highly participative workshop, with the emphasis on “work.” Also, be sure to introduce participants to the content in a fun way that lets them know what benefits they can expect to enjoy as a result of attending training.
Alternate your content between short lectures, group activities, and time for individual work. Each activity should be no more than 10 minutes. Avoid falling into the trap of using the same type of activity over and over again. One activity that I see a lot is to divide the class into groups, have them do something, and then flip chart their findings to present to the class. Done too much, this activity becomes monotonous even though it is highly participative.
If training lasts all day, most people feel their energy lag right after lunch and again around 3 p.m. With that in mind, plan high-energy activities for these times to keep learners from turning into zombies. Competitive review games such as Jeopardy, as well as challenging case studies and role-plays, are good choices for activities during these times.
Content stuffing is the practice of including more content than fits in the time allowed for the workshop. When you content stuff, you have no choice but to cruise through the content as fast as you can via lecture. Even if activities are included in the design, they are too short to be meaningful.
If at all possible, substitute two 10-minute breaks for a single 20-minute break. To get people back on time, plan a game that rewards those who return on time. I have played a fun version of poker, in which those who returned on time received a card. At the end of the day, the person with the best poker hand won a prize.
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