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ASTD, CPLP and Local Workforce Investment Boards.


Wed Oct 14 2009


As many of your know, local and state workforce investment boards (WIBs) are in a position, as part of their role, to "certify" industry recognized certification and training programs that will enhance the skills of clients in their workforce systems. Once WIBs certify programs, clients who qualify for public funds for training (individual training accounts) can use those funds with the approved programs.

Over the years as a member of both a state and local workforce board, I was very happy to vote to certify and approve programs that I felt helped our clients enhance their skills and helped to improve their possibilities of getting reemployed. In my case, we tended to certify occupational skills and industry recognized certifications that were validated by those industries. We wanted to ensure that we gave unemployed workers every chance to get reemployed quickly.


ASTD is now in a position, with the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance Certification (CPLP), to build partnerships with state and local workforce with its industry certification. We have started that process in the Washington Metropolitan area.

ASTD has met with the leaders of two local workforce boards in Northern Virginia. Both local boards were very interested (and impressed) with ASTD's approach and the package for staff to use with their WIA clients. ASTD is in the process of sending in the applications to both WIBs. If approved, the CPLP will be recognized by all other local WIBs in Virginia (15) and could also be used by their clients.

So, what will this approval mean? ASTD staff will be able to train One Stop Center staff about CPLP and will also be able to leave information for anyone entering the One Stop Centers to learn about CPLP. This will be a great way of expanding the reach of CPLP throughout the One Stop systems in many states. We are meeting soon with the DC WIB staff and have the information for Montgomery County to submit.

So, how can you get your local workforce board to certify CPLP for ASTD members (and potential members) in your chapter area? If you're coming to Alexandria in October for the Chapter Leaders Conference, Jennifer Homer will be holding a sunrise session on how chapters can partner with their local workforce boards and CPLP. Stay tuned here for more information about CPLP and the partnership with local and state workforce boards as we move forward with this partnership initiative.

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