ATD Blog
Thu Sep 15 2011
Led by ASTD's Public Policy Council, ASTD will be heading back to Capitol Hill as part of the chapter leaders conference (ALC) this fall. Congressional Conversations will be a pre-conference (registration required) event.
ASTD and chapter leaders will have the opportunity to meet with their members of Congress and their staffs to discuss training related legislation. It's also an opportunity for chapter leaders to build a working relationship with their member of Congress and staff about training related legislation now and in the future.
There will be an orientation call for chapter leaders who will be participating in Congressional Conversations (or considering) on September 22nd, 1:30 PM until 3 PM EST.
Here is a link to register:
The Congressional Conversation event will be held on Thursday, October 13th from 12:00 PM until 5:30 PM. Here is a flyer for more information.
Any Questions? Feel free to contact me, [email protected].
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