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Chasing Shadows With AI: Is Your Business Missing the Bigger Picture?


Thu Feb 01 2024

Chasing Shadows With AI: Is Your Business Missing the Bigger Picture?

Exploring the Balance Between Problem Solving and Innovation in AI Adoption for Business Growth

In 2023, many colleagues and I observed a fascinating trend emerging within the landscape of learning and development (L&D), talent development (TD), and human resources (HR). At industry conferences, practitioners as well as leaders navigated the aisles of exhibition halls, their eyes alight with the fascination for the possibilities presented by the latest artificial intelligence (AI) tools and vendor promises. These scenes encapsulate a broader pattern often seen with the advent of new technologies: experiencing a fascination with shiny new tools and promises while trying to imagine the pain points or challenges that these tools could solve.


This approach is hardly surprising. It’s human nature to seek immediate applications for novel technologies, especially ones as promising and pervasive as recent developments around AI. Such a trend indicates an eagerness to harness these advancements, but it also reflects a common initial phase in technology adoption—a focus more on the technology itself than on the specific needs it might address.

The Standard Approach: Shifting the Focus Toward Problem-First AI Adoption

Advice is at hand, of course, and not in the form of new ideas. The conventional wisdom in adopting new technologies like AI in business has always been problem-first, or problem-centric. This approach advises starting with a clear business problem and then looking for AI solutions to resolve it. The logic behind this is sound and practical. By identifying specific issues first, companies can target their investments in AI technologies to offer tangible returns, ensuring a clear path to realizing a return on investment (ROI).

Numerous examples exist where this approach has proven effective. Consider, for instance, the case of a retail company that leveraged AI to optimize its supply chain, significantly reducing waste and improving efficiency. Or a financial services firm that employed AI algorithms to detect and prevent fraud, saving millions in potential losses. In each of these cases, the business focused squarely on solving well-defined problems, demonstrating AI’s practicality and immediate benefits when applied in a targeted manner.

Critique of the Problem-Centric Approach

However, there’s a critical limitation to this problem-centric approach. While it excels at addressing specific issues and challenges, it risks overlooking the full spectrum of AI’s capabilities. Technological advancements, particularly in AI, are not just about solving problems; they are equally about opening doors to novel and innovative opportunities. When we focus solely on AI as a tool to address existing challenges, we potentially miss out on half of its benefits. AI, when understood and leveraged correctly, can lead to groundbreaking new ways of working, creating value, and even transforming entire business models. Thus, a problem-centric approach, though effective for immediate needs, may inadvertently limit an organization’s capacity to harness AI for broader, more innovative applications that go beyond just problem solving and into the realm of business innovation and market leadership.

The Need for a Balanced Approach

In the world of AI, a singular focus on immediate problem solving is no longer sufficient. The rapidly evolving AI landscape calls for a more comprehensive strategy that not only addresses existing challenges but also actively seeks out innovative opportunities. This balanced approach is critical for organizations, departments, and teams aiming to fully harness AI’s potential. It allows organizations to not only fix current issues but also explore and implement groundbreaking ideas and methods.


A profound understanding of AI technologies, particularly their strengths, weaknesses, and limitations, is essential for this balanced strategy. It is important to recognize that AI is not a universal solution; different types of AI, such as generative and non-generative models, are suited to different tasks and challenges. For instance, generative AI models, known for their ability to create new content, may offer innovative solutions in design and content creation, whereas non-generative models excel in data analysis and pattern recognition. Appreciating these differences enables organizations to employ AI more effectively, matching the appropriate AI solution to the business challenge.

This approach also nurtures an environment in which AI is not just a problem solver but also an enabler of innovation. By understanding the full range of AI’s abilities, businesses can uncover untapped opportunities for its application, leading to innovative solutions and the potential opening of new markets.

Building a Foundation for AI Innovation

To truly exploit AI’s capabilities, leaders and practitioners must possess a solid foundational understanding of these technologies. This foundation encompasses more than just the technical aspects of AI—it involves an appreciation of AI’s broader implications in a specific setting.

Leaders and practitioners armed with this knowledge are better positioned to ascertain the most effective applications of AI. They can differentiate between scenarios where AI can bring about incremental improvements and those where it can catalyze transformative changes. This ability to discern is crucial for prioritizing AI investments and aligning them with the organization’s strategic objectives.

Moreover, this foundational knowledge fosters a more responsible and ethical use of AI. With a comprehensive understanding of AI’s capabilities and societal impacts, decision makers can implement AI solutions that both advance their business interests and adhere to ethical standards and societal norms.


In essence, establishing a foundation for AI innovation goes beyond mere technical knowledge. It involves integrating an understanding of AI into the core strategy of a business, thereby enabling growth and innovation in ways previously unimagined. This deep, nuanced comprehension is what differentiates organizations that merely use AI from those that innovate and lead with it.


In the current dynamics surrounding AI, and its potential applications for L&D, TD, and HR, embracing a balanced approach is not only beneficial but imperative. We therefore need to emphasize the importance of a strategy that navigates immediate challenges while also seizing the expansive opportunities AI innovation presents. A limited focus on problem solving can restrict an organization’s ability to fully harness AI’s transformative power. Conversely, a holistic strategy opens new pathways for improvement, growth, and innovation.

In this context, it is vital for leaders and practitioners to not only view AI as a tool for resolving existing problems but also as a dynamic instrument for driving innovation and reshaping business models. Staying abreast of the latest technological advancements and capabilities becomes a continuous endeavor. It’s imperative for individuals, teams, and departments to engage in ongoing learning and development. This can be facilitated through regular training, participation in communities of practice, and active engagement with emerging AI trends and research. Such proactive learning environments ensure that the knowledge and skills related to AI are not static but evolve with the technology itself.

Adopting AI in business should thus be approached as a journey of exploration and continuous learning. Understanding the technology’s limitations and potential is crucial, but the commitment to stay informed and adaptable as AI evolves is equally important. Cultivating a deep, foundational understanding of AI across all levels of an organization will position businesses not merely as users of new technology but as innovators and leaders in a new digital era.

AI offers a vast array of opportunities that go far beyond traditional problem solving. By adopting a balanced, informed, and proactive approach, businesses can unlock these possibilities, paving the way for a future where AI is integral to strategic innovation and enduring success.

For more insights, join me at TK 2024 for the session: AI Meets TD - Are We Ready?

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