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Free Webinar on Selecting the Right Sales Training Provider


Fri Oct 15 2010


"This was a bad idea" is an understatement. After picking a sales training company based on a gut feeling more than facts, you've got less time, less money, and more problems. Not only that, but your supervisors are very "curious" about why the salespeople have already forgotten everything the company swore they'd remember and use. To show how often this does happen, here's an unsettling quote from the presenter, Dave Stein.

"People in the business world these days are always required to provide an ROI statement, but in sales training... it's a very small number. Right now, it hovers around 10%, which is a sobering fact."


Don't want this to be you? Then register to view this FREE webinar:How to Select the Right Sales Training Provider.

This webinar will focus on the reasons why most decisions regarding third party sales training content providers are made for the wrong reasons in the wrong way, and what factors companies should be focusing on to determine training effectiveness. Specific third-party sales training companies will be discussed as examples of outsourced alternatives that provide proven value for different customer requirements.

Even if you don't outsource sales training, this presentation will teach you how to get a significantly more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the learning needs of your own sales organization and how to meet those requirements through in- or outsourcing content and training.Register today!

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