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"I Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With the Learner"

Published Tue Sep 10 2019

"I Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With the Learner"
"I Stand Shoulder to Shoulder With the Learner"-180177_MomentsCampaign_Garro_FullPhoto.png

The worldwide talent development community is diverse. Our members bring a wealth of experience and insight to their work. We're spotlighting their stories.

Eddie Garro has been a member of ATD since 2008. Here's his story in his own words.

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Eddie Garro. I have worked for Henry Schein since 2001, currently reside in the southeast, and have a daughter getting ready to graduate from high school. I have been married to my partner, Steve, for the last four years. We have been together for 13.

What are your personal and professional goals?

My main goal is to continue as a servant leader. My greatest achievements are those in which I can help and guide others. Personally and professionally, I can honestly say I enjoy people, being helpful, being that trusted individual, and bringing back the joy to the work environment one training session at a time.

What challenges have you overcome in your career?

The greatest challenges to overcome have been generational, quite honestly. People learn differently—add age into that, experience, even geographic location and it all adds to the challenging yet fulfilling opportunity of providing knowledge gain to others. I will say I have learned a tremendous amount of knowledge just by attending the annual conference and sharing stories and ideas with my fellow training professionals.

What’s the most valuable insight you’ve gained or experienced during your membership with ATD?

The comradery. Having attended the annual conference, it has been a pleasure to walk among others who understand the journey, the challenges, and the rewards. It is the one time in the year when I feel as if I am among heroes who continually put forward their best efforts.

Can you share any professional tips specific to talent development that you have picked up along the way?

My most relevant tip to share would be to keep the channels of communication open, lean in ask those questions to ensure the end user is clearly receiving the information, and, most importantly, correctly. I make it clear that I stand shoulder to shoulder with the learner, that this is a journey we travel together. My greatest tip is clear, honest communication.

Do you have any advice for people looking to further their careers?

Educate, network, and align yourself with an organization such at ATD in which there is a continual opportunity for added knowledge gain. Be a sponge, drill down, and tap into your creative and honest self.

How do you stay motivated?

Through the smiles, the aha moments, and the compassion I see in people. The special notes of thanks I get from people who are truly appreciative of my help. I stay humbled.

How do you find meaning in your work?

When you love what you do, you enjoy coming into the office. The idea of creation and the positive outcomes—this is my meaning.

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