ATD Blog
Thu Jan 17 2013
(From Psych Central) -- Many believe the skill to be a successful leader is a talent acquired over time and reflects experience and opportunity.
But new research suggests that while experience is helpful, leadership acumen may also be an inherited trait, with some people genetically endowed with a greater likelihood of taking on managerial responsibilities.
The study, published online in Leadership Quarterly, is the first to identify a specific DNA sequence associated with the tendency for individuals to occupy a leadership position.
An international team of researchers studied a large group of twins and discovered that a quarter of the observed variation in leadership behavior between individuals can be explained by genes passed down from their parents.
“We have identified a genotype, called rs4950, which appears to be associated with the passing of leadership ability down through generations,” said lead author Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Ph.D., of University College London.
“The conventional wisdom — that leadership is a skill — remains largely true, but we show it is also, in part, a genetic trait,” he said.
To find the genotype, De Neve and his colleagues analysed data from two large-scale samples in the United States, available through the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) and the Framingham Heart Study.
They compared genetic samples of approximately 4,000 individuals with information about jobs and relationships, finding that in both surveys there was a significant association between rs4950 and leadership. Leadership behavior was measured by determining whether or not individuals occupy supervisory roles in the workplace.
The team found that although acquiring a leadership position mostly depends on developing skills, inheriting the leadership trait can also play an important role.
De Neve said: “As recent as last August, Professor John Antonakis, who is known for his work on leadership, posed the question: ‘is there a specific leadership gene?’
“This study allows us to answer yes — to an extent. Although leadership should still be thought of predominantly as a skill to be developed, genetics — in particular the rs4950 genotype — can also play a significant role in predicting who is more likely to occupy leadership roles.”
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