ATD Blog
Fri Sep 18 2015
The Government Workforce: Learning Innovations conference attracted nearly 300 attendees and saw participation from employees from more than 50 different federal agencies or government working groups, many of whom represented their organizations in conversations on 16 concurrent panel discussions.
Throughout the day, four general subjects—data analytics, performance management, training and workplace volatility—emerged as the most cited on twitter, underlying the timeliness of topics that touch everything from engagement to knowledge transfer in the public sector.
One popular panel track focused on using data analytics to deliver on agency missions, whether through better use of social media, or learning how to use smart data to boost program and workforce performance. Attendee Tracy Hansen tweeted one important takeaway from a data analytics panel. To make the first move towards improving performance, ask employees to fill in the blanks in the following question: “If I had \_\_\_\_\_ and \_\_\_\_\_, I'd know \_\_\_\_\_\_ to solve \_\_\_\_\_\_.”
Managing the performance of programs and people was another important topic, with panels addressing strategies for delivering the highest levels of performance and technology. Panelist Christine Heflin, in the session, “Changing Up: Integrating a Culture of Performance in Your Organization,” observed that “good individual performance plugs into good organizational performance.
Meanwhile, informal learning and non-traditional training stood out as major themes in the “Everything Learning” track. Conference attendee Oscar Marin observed the importance of acknowledging the pervasiveness of mobile communication patterns. He tweeted that, “66 percent of employees use two mobile devices in the workplace.”
The topic also struck a chord with attendee Dr. Monica Evans, who tweeted her takeaway question on the subject, “How can we use mobile apps to facilitate \[finding the\] right training for right task?”
Finally, the panel discussion on managing volatility and change to get results, “The View on VUCA,” generated spirited conversation. Panelists Jessica Southwell of NASA and U.S. Department of Commerce representative Jeff Press emphasized the importance of harnessing VUCA to create positive change. “VUCA gives us an opportunity to be transformational,” said Southwell, while Press instructed the audience to “Use VUCA as a catalyst for innovation.”
Indeed, attendee Bill Adams agreed with Press and Southwell. He tweeted that “Before 9/11 relying on technical skills was sufficient. But now, leaders have to be adaptive.”
For more Government Workforce 2015 conference highlights from the twittershere, check out the twitter hashtag #GovWorkforce.
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