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Sales Moves by Jeffrey Gitomer: Getting training in order. The correct order.


Thu Jan 12 2012


Many companies are considering training programs for the new year.

New budgets. New needs. New opportunities.


And most companies will concentrate on it. Whatever it is. More sales, a new product launch, customer service, internal operations, diversity, or whatever is pressing.

All of that is wrong or should I say, out of order.

Before you train ANYTHING, before you launch any new program or initiative, ask yourself these two questions:

1. How positive are the attitudes of our people?

2. How attitudinally receptive will our people be to this training?


If the answer to Hows our attitude? is Not too good or Inconsistent or My attitude is great, its everyone elses attitude thats the problem! then the training will be met with resistance, and will fall short of your expected outcome. Way short.

The answer to this dilemma is very simple, yet its overlooked at most every company in the world: Train attitude first. Positive attitude. YES! Attitude.

Positive attitude is not a program or an initiative. Its an imperative. Its not the flavor of the month. Its the feeling of and for a lifetime. Your lifetime.

Attitude is the mood of every employee. Positive attitude leads to positive productivity and positive communication.

Attitude is both foundational and fundamental. Attitude is foundational to all aspects of corporate productivity, communication, and harmony. Its the basis for what is erroneously known as morale. Its NOT morale its attitude. Low morale is a symptom poor attitude is the problem.


Attitude is fundamental to all aspects of job performance. How much more profitable would your company be if EVERY employee (including you) had the attitude of yes?

These days attitude is easily deteriorated. Cutbacks, budget cuts, over-tasked employees, poor leadership, lower profits, and increased pressure to do more with less. Yet attitude is virtually ignored by every company HR and training department. Why? Its hard to measure the ROI. Pity.

Youve heard the expression: Attitude is everything.

Let me break it down for you so you can have a better understanding of how everything attitude really is:

Your attitude rules your mood.

Your attitude rules your self-esteem.

Your attitude rules your communication.

Your attitude rules your interactions.

Your attitude rules your thought process.

Your attitude rules how you perceive things.

Your attitude rules how you perceive people.

Your attitude rules how others perceive you.

Your attitude rules your service.

Your attitude rules your sales.

Your attitude rules your career.

Your attitude rules your family.

Your attitude rules your life.

In your business, your attitude rules your sales, your service, your communication, and internal morale. And at the end of positive attitude in your business is a ton of referrals and a great reputation.

Pretty important, huh?

Well, if your attitude is so important, how come you dont spend 15 minutes at home each morning building it? Or 15 minutes in the morning when you get to work? What are YOU doing to ensure that every employee gets a daily YES! message?

Here are a few more attitude insights:

Attitude starts at home with your family.

Attitude is personal. Its not about other people or other circumstances. Attitude is ALL about you.

Attitude is selfish. You do it for yourself FIRST. Then and only then can you give it, or pass it along, to others.

Attitude is a choice. You are ALWAYS free to choose: How you give value. Doing what you love. Having the right attitude.

Attitude is a gift and a blessing self-given and self-imposed. And it is my greatest hope that you discover that truth and bless yourself forever.

Maybe its time to invest in attitude training.

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Sales Bible, Customer Satisfaction is Worthless Customer Loyalty is Priceless, The Little Red Book of Selling, The Little Red Book of Sales Answers, The Little Black Book of Connections, The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude, The Little Green Book of Getting Your Way, The Little Platinum Book of Cha-Ching, The Little Teal Book of Trust, The Little Book of Leadership, and Social BOOM! His website, www.gitomer.com, will lead you to more information about training and seminars, or email him personally: [email protected].

2012 All Rights Reserved - Dont even think about reproducing this document without written permission from Jeffrey H. Gitomer and Buy Gitomer . 704/333-1112

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