ATD Blog
Learn more about Moushira Mansour's certification journey.
Tue Apr 16 2024
That’s exactly how I felt the moment I earned my Associate Professional in Talent Development (APTD®) certification. It wasn’t just about the passing score; it was the entire journey that made it so rewarding—the insightful discussions with colleagues in study groups; the moments of inspiration from expert talks; and the thrill of piecing together structured theories, models, and frameworks. It was about devouring books, articles, and resources, and experiencing those aha moments of discovery.
Enhanced Credibility: The certification validates my expertise, giving superiors greater confidence in my recommendations and decisions. During meetings, I can speak with the authority that comes from demonstrably proven knowledge.
Data-Driven Decisions: The certification emphasizes a science-based approach, replacing intuition with evidence-based practices. I can now make data-driven decisions, supported by research and best practices in the field.
Structured and Organized Approach: Throughout my learning journey, I studied practical models, theories, and frameworks. These valuable tools not only provided a deeper understanding of the subject matter but also equipped me with a structured approach to handling problems. By applying these frameworks, I learned to analyze situations systematically and develop effective solutions.
Lifelong Learning Mindset: The journey of earning APTD certification has instilled a love for continuous learning. I’m now actively seeking out new knowledge and developments in the field to stay ahead of the curve.
Increased Credibility: APTD certification validates my knowledge and skills in the learning and development field and demonstrates my commitment to professional development.
Global Networking Opportunities: The certification program fostered connections with like-minded individuals across the globe. These connections have provided valuable insights and helped me build a strong reputation within the L&D field.
Enhanced Visibility and Recognition: Earning my APTD certification has become a key differentiator, boosting my visibility within the (L&D) industry. This recognition positions me as a valuable asset, ultimately strengthening my personal brand.
You might be thinking, “This all sounds great, but what if I struggle with procrastination? What if discipline scares me and studying feels overwhelming?” Believe me, I’ve been there. Those doubts can feel like a brick wall blocking your path. But here’s the secret: Most successful people face similar challenges. The key isn’t to be perfect; it’s to take the first step anyway. As the saying goes, “Do it scared!”
That’s why I’m here to share my tips on staying accountable and motivated throughout the learning journey:
Create a Structured Study Plan: I created a realistic timeline and study schedule that helped me break down the learning process into manageable chunks. This reduced the feeling of being overwhelmed and made progress achievable.
Organize Your Resources: I gathered all the study materials I needed beforehand, then categorized them as essential, supplementary, or optional. This helped me prioritize and avoid feeling overwhelmed by information.
Mind Maps: A technique that became a game changer for me was creating mind maps, or concept maps. This visual approach helped me retain information more easily, connect related concepts, and gain a holistic understanding of the entire knowledgebase.
Join a Study Group: Sharing the journey with others can be incredibly motivating. Participating in discussions, explaining concepts to others (“teach back”), and learning from different perspectives helped solidify my understanding and kept me engaged. (Tip: If joining a group isn’t feasible, consider finding a study partner or mentor to support you.)
Visualization: I imagined the feeling of accomplishment and the opportunities it would open for me. Visualization can be a powerful motivator when facing challenges.
By incorporating these tips into my study routine, I significantly increased my chances of staying accountable, motivated, and ultimately achieving my certification goals.
Remember, don’t let procrastination hold you back. Take control of your learning journey, and invest in your future!
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