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ATD Blog

Where are you in your T&D career?

By and

Mon Feb 18 2013


We are truly looking forward to the publication of the 3rd edition of Career Moves, which will be published in September. Our book highlights the latest training and development trends and gives you the tools you need for the practical application of the revised ASTD Competency Model™. This blog is being initiated for ASTD members and other individuals to become aware of this new resource and the importance of managing your career.

As you know, there are multiple generations in the workplace and they are all at various stages and steps in their careers. Of course, this includes professionals in the T&D field as well. To which generation do you belong? Each generation faces different challenges and has different concerns. What challenge or concern are you facing, if any? Examples of relevant generational career questions are listed below. 

  • I am launching my T&D career and am very excited, motivated, and eager to begin and become a productive team member. What are some things I need to consider and do to project a strong and positive impression?

  • I know that “up is not the only way” to progress through an organization, particularly with the collapse of organizational hierarchy and downsizing. What can I do to continue to advance and remain challenged?

  • Having been in the field for over 20 years, what can I do to remain engaged and passionate about my work rather than in a rut and feeling left behind?

  • As I get closer to retirement, I feel that I want to pass on my organizational knowledge, professional experience, and also continue to use my expertise within my community. What are some good ways to do this?

These are some of the questions addressed in our discussions about taking control of your career direction and the choices available for reaching your ideal professional goal. Quite frequently, people are just not aware of their options. They assume they have none and reluctantly make concessions or compromises. This doesn’t have to be so. Possibilities are out there waiting to be discovered.

Are you facing other circumstances in your desire to continue a satisfying and fulfilling work life and maintain your journey on your career path? We would like to hear from you. Please submit additional questions to [email protected] and we will try to incorporate some of them into future blogs.

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