Press Release
Wed Apr 15 2009
I posted earlier about ASTD's Executive Editor Pat Galagan being quoted in the Wall Street Journal story, "Training Without a Campus."
Well, Pat has so much knowledge on the subject matter of training that the reporter used her as a source in an accompanying article, "Ernst & Young Trains Its Own." Here's Pat's quote:
" Pat Galagan, executive editor at the American Society for Training and Development, a trade organization for workplace professionals in Alexandria, Va., says she is seeing an increase in companies working to get their employees involved and motivated, even as spending on external training programs decreases. Typically, these initiatives help companies retain employees after a downturn, she says.
"The more employees are engaged the better off they are," says Ms. Galagan."
I've only been at ASTD for a month, so I'm not sure if we've ever been quoted in two stories in the Wall Street Journal on the same day before, but I think it's pretty awesome! More importantly, it shows ASTD is the go-to source for topics related to workplace learning and performance.
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